Tuesday, December 31, 2013

For Husband love BEER

Dear Hubby,

Thanks for loving me and caring me these few years. With God's love, we have 2 beautiful children.

But you addicted to BEER ... so much addicted.  Until you forgot about your family.
In front of BEER, you are nothing !
In front of BEER, you are a single MAN !
In front of BEER, you not a family man !
In front of BEER, you never think of your wife & kids at home !

How many times you said you want to reduce your BEER taking ?
How many times you said you don't want drink like lunatic ?
How many times I told you please take good care your own health ?
How many times you saw the car accident due to alcohol ?
How many can survive during car accident ?

Because of Boss, you cannot said NO ?
Because of Friends, you never think of family ?
Because of Sibling, you have to drink more than the youngest ?

What if anything bad happens ?
Will you regret ?
Will the BEER helps you ?

Will your Bosses help you to take care your family ?
Will your Friends help you to take care your family ?
Will your Sibling help you to take care your family ?

Who will take care of your own family ?
Answer it.


Friday, December 6, 2013

If you love your wife


If you love your wife, will you ignore her feeling when she is sad ?
If you care your wife, will you ignore her feeling when she is sick ?
If you love your wife, will you let her sit alone in a room ?
If you care your wife, will you light up a candle for her when blackout ?
If you love your wife, will you let her stay home with kids till late of night ?
If you care your wife, will you ignore a phone call from her especially midnight time ?
If you love your wife, will you let her feel herself like a stranger among your family member ?
If you care your wife, will you quarrel with her in front your in-law ?

Have a man ever think, his wife also a human ?
Have a man ever think, his wife is not a maid ?
Have a man ever think, his wife is not person help you born a child ?
Have a man ever think, his wife will need some rest time ?
Have a man ever think, his wife also facing working pressure and need to entertain you at home ?
Have a man ever think, his wife to wake up earlier to prepare daily house work ?
Have a man ever think, his wife will claim that she is tired ?
Have a man ever think, his wife will worry about her husband, her children, her family ? How about herself ?

As a mother, you have to scarify yourself
As a mother, you cannot blame you are tired
As a mother, you have to take care your children even you are sick
As a mother, is your duty to wake up your children
As a mother, is your duty to teach your children
As a mother, you are the one will get the blame on your children fault
As a mother, you fully in charge the cleanliness at your house
As a mother, you are the devil for your children
As a mother, you cannot forget a single thing that have been told 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

给我的爸爸 ~ 2013.07.10


爸爸,他给我的印象就是沉默,有威严的父亲。爸爸从来不会骂我们, 如果我们做错了,他会和我们讲道理。那时,我很少和爸爸对话。


记得有一次,我和隔壁家小孩玩。然后,我回家。那小孩的婆婆忽然去我们的店里找她的孙。其实,那小孩一直在他自己店里。可能是他婆婆没注意到他在另一个角落,就到我们店里骂。 后来,那婆婆也不好意思。可是,那一次, 爸爸却打了我,说我丢脸。我很怕!


在我小学那年,我参加了演讲比赛。初时,爸爸对我参加比赛并没有任何表示。只是妈妈偶而会听我的练习。在正式比赛那天,我很紧长,我看到妈妈站在窗边。但是,没看到爸爸。 过不久,我看到爸爸来,他步入礼堂。坐在中间看我。那一刻,我的心安定下来了。我得到了第一名,很开心。爸爸他步行回店里了。我拿着那奖状,递过给爸爸看。 他就看了一眼,然后微笑。我连续4,5,6年级都有参加比赛, 而且,每次得奖我都会拿给爸爸看。 爸爸他其实没有很正式/很直接去鼓励我。他每次就是微笑吧了!

后来,我注意到我拿到的奖状,爸爸都会贴在他身后。每次有售货员来卖货,爸爸都会叫他们看: 这是我女儿拿到的。


从那时开始, 我知道其实爸爸很为我感到骄傲的。



我的心很内疚,很自责。为什么我要让爸爸妈妈那么辛苦?爸爸妈妈年纪那么大了,为什么要让他们那么累? 那句话,一直在我脑海里打转。后来,我辞职回来亚庇工作。

爸爸妈妈还是一样,住在乡下。没有要和我们在亚庇住。 他们每次叫哥哥截他们下来和我们一起吃饭,然后,每次当天晚上回乡下。 


我们几兄弟姐妹,各别有自己的家。但是,哥哥姐姐们都存有误会。这是让爸爸妈妈最不开心的。我,无能做任何东西。我只有每天带我那两个小宝贝回家和爸爸妈妈吃饭。 这两个小瓜,每次都逗的两老笑哈哈的。

2013年6月27日,早上9:20 左右。突然接到哥哥打电话来,说爸爸突发心脏病,很严重,在急救室里。我整个人发抖,手脚冰冷。我打电话叫姐姐来接我去医院。那时,我的脑海一片空白。眼泪一直流下来, 心里一直祈祷爸爸要好起来。 


我们兄弟姐妹轮流看着爸爸,又怕妈妈累坏。 我没有感觉累,我一直祈祷,祈求爸爸平安无事,渡过难关。 



爸爸生前最不希望看到兄弟姐妹不和。那时的我们在爸爸面前,都和爸爸讲我们已经好了。没有心病了。爸爸一生都为我们想,自己不舍得吃好穿好,把好的统统给作为子女的我们。我们在收拾爸爸的遗物时,看见爸爸的衣服,破破烂烂的,裤子也一样。他就是这样,买给他的新衣裤,他都不舍得穿。爸爸面对其他人对他的误解,他不会去解释。他就是那些不多作解释,要让那些误解他的人,自己去发觉, 去明白整件事。

我到今天还是很想念爸爸。我爱你, 爸爸 !



Friday, June 14, 2013

幸福 ?好远 !

为了小孩,我一定要忍, 要多久?
你问我幸福吗? 我不幸福。